Monday, April 25, 2011

You Want Me To Eat WHAT??

Something that really ticks me off is when people say that they think something looks gross to eat, and they haven’t even tasted it!! That to me says that they are very ignorant and have no sense of adventure or willingness to try anything new. I just have to ask, well how is it that you came to like things you enjoy now? Oh yeah, you had to EAT THEM! I think the subject matter I would really like to present is, how Americans are afraid of their food when it comes to them in a more… whole state. That by which I mean, a fish with the head and tail still attached, or a whole roasted pig. All over the world, fresh seafood is coveted and the heads, tails, eyeballs are all attached. The cheek meat in fish is a delicacy and so are the eyes of the fish. Don’t diss something until you have tried it.
          I noticed that here in America, is it very rare to find a restaurant that will serve a whole fish. People don’t want to know that a fish fillet came from an actual fish. They don’t want to look into the eyes of their dinner, which to me is just pathetic because wouldn’t you want to know that your fish wasn’t flash frozen, or precooked and reheated? It’s reality people, this shit is real. There are people out there who make a living butchering animals and they can tell you how they would prefer to eat their meats and fishes. Often times, when a restaurant receives a whole fish, or whole pig, the restaurant pays a lot less for those products because they aren’t cut or portioned out. The more broken down an animal is, the more is costs the restaurant to purchase, which in turn, makes the meal more expensive. If a restaurant butchers in house you will pay a little bit to cover the wages of the butcher, but you can rest assure, someone with great skill has cut your meat perfectly for you.
 In Hawaii they roast pigs whole on a spit, or underground and proudly display it for large groups of people to eat. Everyone from tiny kids to the elderly would be in attendance and marvel at the wonderful roast pig! The keep the head and feet on and you wouldn’t believe the flavor those animals take on when you leave them whole! It’s insane what a lot of people are missing out on. I feel like a lot of seafood places here in the U.S are really skimping on their customers because they don’t serve them whole. The little pieces of meat that just don’t make it to the plate are being wasted and could fill up the customer that much more! I dare anyone who is afraid of food like that, to travel to another country and see how fast it takes you to get your ass whooped. People take pride in preparing their food all over the world and take great offense if you refuse food just because it has a head on it. Hell that wonderful place that you call France, serves fish whole. In any fine dining restaurant to a mom and pop place, they serve fish a certain way and I feel that it’s the best way to serve it. You can get your fish cooked, broken down into fillets and served tableside if you want…and let me tell you that it is worth giving it a try. If none of this changes your mind, watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern and see if my blog isn’t a little less scary to handle.

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