Friday, April 22, 2011

Intro to My Blog

Wow where do you start when talking about food? Haha. My blogs will go into detail but not bore you about what I think people should know about food. If you are serious about learning how to cook and gain awesome knowledge about food then stick around. I love to blog about foods that people either underestimate or don't bother to try and give those foods a little redemption. As soon as I get another digital camera I can provide pictures in my blogs to better help those understand what I am trying to portray.
My ultimate goal is to reach out to at least 1 person and show them that they shouldn't be afraid in their kitchen. I want them to feel comfortable with what they can create in the kitchen and know their limits. I also want to inform people about the wondrous things foods have to offer. In a lot of ways, giving food as a gift is such a huge gesture. It shows that person that you took time out of your day to make them something beautiful and will fill their tummy!! LOL
 I feel like the kitchen is one of the most under appreciated room in the household. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people put their nasty butts on a counter when there should be a bowl of beautiful seasonal fruits and a glass of flowers on display. Also, people take no time what so ever to clean off their stove or inside of their microwave, gross!! Your kitchen can reflect how a person feels about cooking in an instant. (Mine is a little messy right now but that's only because I hate doing dishes HAHA) Cooking should never feel like a chore but a culinary adventure. To know that you can prep, bake and eat a cupcake within 2 hours is so exciting! Sure you can go buy them at a grocery store, but how many ingredients can you actually identify on the label? Food is your friend and you should treat it as such. There should be a connection with food and you that is unique to that of anything else. Once you understand a few basic principles about food, you will be a great cook in no time! I encourage any and all questions and criticism. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

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